Procedure for Final Submission of Accepted Articles
The Union of Geographic Information Technologists journals of the Geographical Analysis and Geo-eye are refereed peer reviewed. Before submitting the final version of your accepted article carefully reviews the procedures for both Geographical Analysis as well as Geo-eye (Electronic Journal). Articles should be submitted electronically through editorial team ( A letter is to be submitted along with article indicating a statement that the article has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision has been rendered by the editor.
Articles & Text Materials:
Use Microsoft Word and include the title, abstract, and key words in the body of your article. Don’t embed tables, maps or figures in your article file instead place and upload them at the end of the document separately. Articles, with the exception of references, tables / figures, should not be more than 3,000 words. Articles (abstract, text, notes, references, tables, and figure captions) must be single-spaced. Font should be Arial, 10 point (except title, abstract, reference and author's name) and page margins should be 1 inch right and left. All text of the article should be left aligned. One line space should be inserted before major & minor headings. Decimals appearing in tables should include leading zeros: 0.1273 rather than .1273. All notes should be presented as Endnotes and not Footnotes and age numbers should be removed. The title page, abstract and key words, main text, notes, references, figure captions, tables and appendix should be saved as one file only.Only tow levels of heading can be used. They should be 12 & 10 font with bold respectively.
Article’s Title & Authors Name: Title should be all capitals, bold, 14 font. Authors name should be in 12 font bold and be placed beneath the title. An endnote should accompany the author's name stating: position, school / department and university name which should be in 8 font.
Abstract & Keywords: An abstract should contain not more than 250 words that summarizes the purpose, methods, and major findings of the paper and should be 8 font & no paragraph. Authors should provide three to six key words and these should appear in italics at the end of the abstract and should be 8 font only.
Units of Measure: Use metric units and figures quoted as a percentage has to be appeared in the form: 10 per cent (except in tables or figures) Dates have to be in the form: 15 August 2010.
Tables, Figures and Maps: Maps, graphs, and photos should convey ideas efficiently and tastefully. Graphics must be legible, concise, and referenced in the text. Map / figure / table headings should be in the form: Map / figure / table 1. Number of wild male donkeys in the Flinders between 1950 and 1990. Sources should be in the form: Source: Ranger (2009, p. 11). A map / figure including labels and caption must well fit within an area on quarto paper i.e. 21X28 cm wide margins. Non-drawn area on map should be in white. Chart & graphs back-ground should be in white colour with 10 Arial fonts. Author has to use true color for mapping. That will not be ebbeot the printing. Resolution of the map / figure must be clear and 300 DPI.
References must be alphabetical with author’s last name, year of publication, and page number. All sources in the text of a paper must be listed in the references section and vice versa.Copyright: Authors will be issued a copyright transfer agreement when their paper has been accepted. Authors must sign a copyright transfer agreement before their paper can be published. In accordance with copyright laws, the article must not duplicate substantial portions of previously published material. If a article incorporates previously published material (in the form of text, tables, or figures), the author is responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright holder and for any costs associated with the use of the copyrighted materials. Articles cannot be published in until this signed form has been submitted.
Graphic Materials: Authors may print up to four gray-color Maps at no charge. Authors wishing to include color Maps may be expected to cover a per/centage of the cost of printing. For printing purposes, all graphics must be computer generated and will be accepted in the following formats only: TIFF (Tagged-Image File Format) for raster images.
Editing charges: For articles only, payment of Rs. 3000 is requested from authors as editing costs. Authors will receive a letter directly from the editor upon receiving their articles for final publication.
For more details please contact Or Phone: (+91) (080) 22961377 Authors whose articles have been accepted for publication should submit the final version in digital form and one hard copy of the full paper (including figures, tables, appendices, etc.). All materials should be accompanied by a cover sheet that includes the title of the paper, the names of all authors and their affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses, and a list of all electronic files and their formats.
Send final articles to:
Editor, Union Geographic Information Technologists (UGIT),
Department of Geography, Bangalore University, Jnanabharati Campus, Bangalore-56