Land, water, air and biome make the whole ‘mother earth’ over which huge human and animal population is distributed.
Geographic knowledge is relating to the earth’s features like where the things are? What are their surroundings? and How are their spatial relationship pertaining to development and management of nation?
Geography also presents the relationship between man and the environment. A good knowledge and understanding of geography builds a bridge between these two and the earth will be in safer side if there is an imbalance it turns into disastrous situation. Hence, geography plays a vital role to understand about the dimensions of the earth properties, features and their distributional pattern over the earth. Any nation’s progress and prosperity is the understanding the geographical setting of that nation and utilization of the natural resources distributed over it. Geography helps us to know more about each other and our culture. It helps us to understand our environment and problems associated with it. It also facilitates us to better understanding the ways in which each of us interacts with environment. Geography plays a vital role in solving environmental, political, economic, and social problems to gather spatial information for planning and decision-making process. Location, place names, human environment Interaction, movement, and region can be easily understood through geography itself. Geography subject is relatively a new instrument to supply geographic relationship in five basic elements like maps and globes, geographic data sets, work flow models, data models, and metadata (data about data). These basics give a strong base for addressing various challenges especially advancement in intelligent, efficiency, and informed decision making, science-based planning, resource accounting, evaluation, and communication. Knowledge, intelligence of capturing and using natural resources we need Geographical information about an area. This can be achieved by an understanding the Geography. Geography has turned into technical and applied oriented as it includes Remote Sensing, Aerial photographs & (Satellite Images Remote Sensing), Geographical Information System, Global Positioning System & Total Station
About Department of Geography
he PG Department of Geography was started in the year 1974-75 in the Central College Campus, Bangalore University. Dr. H. Narasimhaih the then Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and Prof. M.S. Shanthaveeraiah were main persons for the establishment of the Department. Initially, the Department saw primary growth under the stewardship of Dr. C. Naganna, the first Head of the Department. Subsequently, Dr. Daksha C. Barai was heading the Department, till 1991. Later, the rotation of chairmanship had been introduced.